Swat 4 game is based on arresting the criminals. The game is dependent on to stop the crimes by police. The police are the main character in the game. The police arrest the characters to stop the crimes. The game showed the performance of the police in those days. The police try to defend the area from crimes. There were many unique things are added in the game like 7 new weapons, 7 Multi-player mode and many other things. The weapons used in the game are readily unique like tear gas is unique additions in the game. There were a 14 missions added in the game. The police in the game arrests the criminals because they do a lot of crimes and these crimes are disturbing the country.
In some missions the drugs are taking place and these drugs are the cause of their crimes. Due to this police can attack on locations where these crimes are going on. Sometimes the police first of all throw a tear gas in rooms and then the police attacked on the criminals because at that time then criminals were unconscious and it is easy to attack on them. When the players are entered into the enemies room they throw their weapons and take hands up, then the police arrest the criminals. The styles of enemies in case of giving arrest the criminals sit down on the ground and joined their hands at the back of them and from there the police can give handcuff to the criminals.
One thing is seen by you during the game is that the player before open the door he see all the conditions are happening in the room from the screen it is the biggest help of police. There were many locations are added in the game. The locations include indoor and outdoor effects. The mission is given in big Restaurants, Hospitals and other big Buildings. To see these locations we can able to say that the game is some similarity to the Hitman Blood Many. In this edition of the game many changing's are taking place, these changing's are coming to see in Modes, Locations and Weather Conditions. The camera fixed in big buildings is instruct the enemies that the police is entered in their buildings and these cameras start to making noise.
That thing erects secret of the police. In some buildings the doors are locked up and the crime is going on in rooms some time it gives very tough time to the policeman to open the door and he can use a specific instrument to open the door. The police can give some time to open the door. Sometime the policeman can throw bombs after to open the door. It is my responsibility to tell you one thing if your specific instrument that can open the door does not work instead you can use bombs to opening the lock of the door. When the player crossing the tracks sometime briefcases of the bombs you can see that can lay down on the ground.
To see that police can cut the wires of the bombs soon because they afraid to damage of all the things in the country due to bombs. The cutter is used as weapon like other weapons used in the game. The mission given in hotels is a very interesting mission all the household things are used in the hotels you can also see kitchen during the game. The enemies used in the game covered their faces during the game. This act of the enemies shows the enemies does not show their faces because they are bigger criminals. The stairs are very common thing in all the war games because they are used in every mission to across the roofs to check out where the enemies.
One thing is seen by you during the game is that the player before open the door he see all the conditions are happening in the room from the screen it is the biggest help of police. There were many locations are added in the game. The locations include indoor and outdoor effects. The mission is given in big Restaurants, Hospitals and other big Buildings. To see these locations we can able to say that the game is some similarity to the Hitman Blood Many. In this edition of the game many changing's are taking place, these changing's are coming to see in Modes, Locations and Weather Conditions. The camera fixed in big buildings is instruct the enemies that the police is entered in their buildings and these cameras start to making noise.
That thing erects secret of the police. In some buildings the doors are locked up and the crime is going on in rooms some time it gives very tough time to the policeman to open the door and he can use a specific instrument to open the door. The police can give some time to open the door. Sometime the policeman can throw bombs after to open the door. It is my responsibility to tell you one thing if your specific instrument that can open the door does not work instead you can use bombs to opening the lock of the door. When the player crossing the tracks sometime briefcases of the bombs you can see that can lay down on the ground.
To see that police can cut the wires of the bombs soon because they afraid to damage of all the things in the country due to bombs. The cutter is used as weapon like other weapons used in the game. The mission given in hotels is a very interesting mission all the household things are used in the hotels you can also see kitchen during the game. The enemies used in the game covered their faces during the game. This act of the enemies shows the enemies does not show their faces because they are bigger criminals. The stairs are very common thing in all the war games because they are used in every mission to across the roofs to check out where the enemies.
When you can start the game you can select in multi-player mode the head of the police group. When you selected these characters all the information about him appear on the screen like he Female or Male his honesty with his name that can give to him. Swat 4 Game is developed by Irrational Games. Then you can select locations for game play. After choosing these locations you can select the weather conditions for the game because different kinds of weather conditions in the game. Swat 4 Game was released on 5 April, 2005 for the first time. After your all selections the assignment is given to you though radio voice and the radio voice explain it for your easiness.
Swat 4 Game is playing on these platforms such as Microsoft Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Mac OS X and as well. According to the task you can also try to more arrest the enemies and after arrest them you can give handcuffs. Some enemies take shelter in baths to hide themselves. Sometime the player can take all the weapons of the criminals after to giving handcuff to them. The police can also customize their weapons during the conditions. It is very good work of developer to established this game to awake the police. The police of every country gives a lot of information about criminals during the game. So this game proves that I want to save my country from crimes. If the amount of crimes in a country increases then the development of the country is also decreasing.
Swat 4 Game is playing on these platforms such as Microsoft Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Mac OS X and as well. According to the task you can also try to more arrest the enemies and after arrest them you can give handcuffs. Some enemies take shelter in baths to hide themselves. Sometime the player can take all the weapons of the criminals after to giving handcuff to them. The police can also customize their weapons during the conditions. It is very good work of developer to established this game to awake the police. The police of every country gives a lot of information about criminals during the game. So this game proves that I want to save my country from crimes. If the amount of crimes in a country increases then the development of the country is also decreasing.
System Requirements:
Processor: Pentium 3
VGA: 64 MB
RAM: 256 MB
Hard Disk Space: 2 GB
Operating System: Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/7/8
Game Details:
Version: 4
Size: 183.1 MB
License: Shareware
Developer: Irrational Games
Download Link : http://www.fileplanet.com/150436/150000/fileinfo/SWAT-4-Singleplayer-Demo
sumber : http://freegamingshop.blogspot.com/2013/12/swat-4-game-free-download-for-pc.html
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