Genres : Fighting, RPG
Features : 3D
Game Review :
Izanagi Online Samurai Ninja is a fantasy action. You get to a Japanese village that outlived an anthropogenic disaster. Play as brave Samurai, who have a great arsenal of weapons: revolvers, rifles, and other cold arms. Fallen utility poles, decaying muscle-cars, neglected places: this is the incredible atmosphere you are to visit.
Game features:
- Several characters to choose from: Mage, a killer, a healer and a warrior
- Stunning graphics
- Simple and intuitive controls
- Lots of various enemies
Izanagi Online Samurai Ninja - iOS games
Size : [572.8 MB][ipa]
Size : [572.8 MB][ipa]
Required iOS 4.3 and higher. For iPad, iPhone, iPod.
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