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12 Desember 2013
Garfield Cookie Dozer v1.0.1 (Unlimited Coins & Power Up) Android Games

Game Review :
The objective of the game is deceptively simple! You must push cookies, tokens and various prizes into the collection area by strategically dropping cookies into the mechanism. You only have a limited amount of cookies to spend per day, and objects that fall off the sides of the tray are lost forever. So play smart using plenty of strategy and various special abilities!
Collecting cookies and objects allows you to level up and earn unique puzzle pieces, upgrades and power-ups. As you play, you will get a chance to win various bonuses and special prizes in a number of mini games including a lucky spinning wheel and a special slot machine. Complete missions to unlock new costumes and surprise goodies. But remember, luck is only a small part of the challenge: learn where and when to drop your cookies to make physics work for you!
Collecting cookies and objects allows you to level up and earn unique puzzle pieces, upgrades and power-ups. As you play, you will get a chance to win various bonuses and special prizes in a number of mini games including a lucky spinning wheel and a special slot machine. Complete missions to unlock new costumes and surprise goodies. But remember, luck is only a small part of the challenge: learn where and when to drop your cookies to make physics work for you!
Features :
- Bright and colorful Garfield graphics
- Inspired by the classic arcade favorites: slot machine and coin pusher
- Complete missions and trade stamps to collect 31 costumes for Garfield
- Level up to collect and put together puzzle pieces to complete various Garfield jigsaw pictures
- Collect special plush dolls to activate interesting events
- Play the game daily to collect stamp cards to trade for most costumes
- Several fun and addictive mini-games to play and enjoy
Garfield Cookie Dozer v1.0.1
Size: 25 MB
Required android: 2.0.1 and up
Click image to GooglePlay

- Download all files below
- Extract Zip
- Install apk
- Play the Game

Trailer Game
Download Garfield Cookie Dozer v1.0.1
09 Desember 2013
Menggunakan Aplikasi Hp dalam Bersepeda
Kegiatan berolahraga sekarang jauh lebih “memanjakan” dibanding waktu-waktu lampau. Dulu, paling banter pakai “stopwatch”, jam tangan atau alat penghitung untuk mencatat kegiatan berolahraga. Misalnya sit up, lari, berenang, dan bersepada. Sekarang, dengan handphone saja, hampir semua data olahraga bisa ditekahui dengan cepat dan akurat. Bukan hanya itu, di balik hp itu juga terlibat teknologi canggih. Selain internet, juga satelit di luar angkasa sana.
Dua bulan terakhir, khususnya dalam latihan atau persiapan ekspedisi, saya menggunakan aplikasi untuk merekam jarak, rute, kecepatan, ketinggian dan rata-ratanya dengan Runtastic Road Bike (ada juga versi Mountain Bike). Tulisan ini juga melengkapi tulisan sebelumnya yang ditulis oleh saudara Joko Suryono 4 April 2011 lalu, “Keren …. Aplikasi HP untuk Gowes”.
Aplikasi tersebut lumayan. Sebab bukan hanya memberi informasi tapi juga menyimpang – menghimpun segala data tersebut menjadi sebuah database. Tidak hanya di hp tapi juga di internet. Dengan kata lain, meski hp hilang, data tetap ada di akun kita. Dan, untuk batas-batas tertentu, orang lain bisa mengakses atau mengetahui apa yang telah kita lakukan. Tinggal dikasih/dikirim link-nya (bisa lewat email, Facebook dan Twitter). Seperti pergi bersepeda jam berapa, berapa lama, kemana saja, dan lain-lain.
Saya tak akan membahas secara rinci cara penggunaan aplikasi Runtastic, teman-teman bisa mencobanya sendiri. Tinggal instal, daftar dan gunakan. Demikian halnya dengan aplikasi yang juga jamak digunakan, Endomondo.
Runtastic memang (tampak) lebih lengkap dan bisa tersimpan di server (bisa dibuka di internet www.runtastic.com), tapi cara penggunaannya butuh beberapa tahapan. Juga agak lama loadingnya dibanding Endomondo.
Endomondo juga lebih praktis. Begitu praktisnya, saat awal-awal menggunakan, pikirnya Endomondo itu tak bisa tersimpan di server (tak ada akun untuk melihat-mengirim database kegiatan kita). Soalnya, tidak seperti di Runtastic, tak ada permintaan untuk mengirim hasil kegiatan kita via email (bisa dapat link). Tapi saat saya coba buka www.endomondo.com dan login with Facebook, data kegiatan saya ada semua. Namun dari segi tampilan, Runtastic lebih menarik.
Runtastic juga ada fitur-fitur “suasana hati” dan kondisi jalan serta cuaca untuk melengkapi rekaman kegiatan bersepeda. Sejauh pengalaman menggunakan Endomondo, tidak ada fitur demikian. Tapi, suara asisten di Endomondo lebih sering dibanding Runtastic. Runtastic itu hanya menginformasikan saat menempuh 1km dan 2km. Setelah itu tidak ada lagi, kecuali diupgrade.
Kedua aplikasi di atas bisa digunakan di iPhone dan perangkat lain yang menggunakan sistem operasi Android. Asal, ada GPS-nya. Tapi perlu diketahui, GPS yang ada di hp tentu tak seakurat dengan sensor yang ada di GPS betulan. Itulah sebab, dalam kegiatan Ekspedisi Bumi Mandar, saya tak begitu mengandalkan aplikasi yang ada di hp (saya menggunakan iPhone 4). Malah di dari Kota Mamuju ke Suremana (300an km) saya sama sekali tak menggunakannya.
Memang sih aplikasi bisa meng-otomatiskan banyak hal secara mudah dan cepat ke internet, tapi ada pertimbangan lain ketika di rute jarak jauh tak menggunakannya, tapi lebih mengandalkan GPS betulan, yakni Garmin 60CSx. Alasannya adalah jika menjalakan aplikasi itu di hp, jelas menguras energi hp. Tak apa-apa kalau latihan saja, yang rutenya muter-muter, tapi kalau jalan jauh, energi di hp tetap saya jaga sebab lebih mengutamakan untuk komunikasi. Bila menjalankan aplikasi sejak pagi, siang hp sudah mulai lowbet. Artinya apa, jangan sampai hp lowbet padahal baru setengah perjalanan. Memang sih bisa menggunakan powerbank saat perjalan, tapi agak repot sebab harus keluar-masukkan tas saat ada telepon, saat mau gunakan hp memotret.
Bukan itu saja, saya belum yakin betul sampai sejauh mana keakuratannya. Mudah-mudahan ke depan saya bisa melakukan kalibrasi, jadi bisa tahu tingkat penyimpangannya.
Jika perjalanan penting dan jauh, tak ada sinyal seluler (walau pada dasarnya GPS di hp tetap berfungsi walau tak ada sinyal seluler), mengandalkan atau menjadikan GPS asli sebagai alat utama adalah pilihan masuk akal. Selain jauh lebih akurat, juga tahan lama. GPS yang saya gunakan bisa tahan 18 jam. Itu sudah lebih dari sehari (pagi – sore). Kalau hp, mungkin sudah off.
Agar hasil GPS bisa dibaca dengan segala macam datanya, harus lewat komputer. Dengan menggunakan Garmin BaseCamp (dan software bawaan saat membeli GPS), track dan data perjalanan kita bisa dengan mudah dihitung.
GPS Garmin 60CSx adalah GPS mobile umum, yang khusus bersepeda ada tersendiri. Yaitu Garmin seri Edge. Saya belum memiliki alat tersebut, jadi belum bisa membahas banyak. Yang jelas, desain dan fitur-fiturnya di dalam didesain untuk kegiatan bersepeda. Juga bisa diaplod data-datanya ke komputer.
Kesimpulannya, kegiatan olahraga saat ini idealnya terekam atau terukur walau kita ini kebanyakan adalah pesepada amatir. Kemungkinan besar, kita-kita telah memiliki smartphone. Jangan hanya hp-nya yang smart, user-nya juga dong. Dengan kata lain, kecerdasan di hp harus kita gunakan dan maksimalkan. Salah satunya dengan penggunaan aplikasi-aplikasi, yang dua diantaranya saya kemukakan di atas. Selain memberi informasi kepada diri sendir, juga bisa memberi informasi ke teman kita. Setidaknya ada perbandingan atau mengetahui apa yang telah dilakukan teman kita.
Meski demikian, cerdas itu, ada juga batasannya. Mungkin karena kita pakai yang gratisan (sehingga ada beberapa fitur yang tidak bisa digunakan sampai kita membelinya, misalnya menjadi premium), juga keterbatasan alat itu sendiri. Dalam hal ini, hp saat ini, fitur GPS yang ada padanya belum sepeka dengan alat yang memang namanya GPS. Di sisi lain, GPS tidak secerdas hp, yakni tak bisa segera mengirim data-data kita ke internet. Oleh sebab itu, jika punya semua alatanya, baiknya digunakan semua.
21 November 2013
Next Launcher 3D v2.03.1 Android Apps

Apps Review :
Most popular premium launcher Next Launcher 3D shows you how 3D dynamic effects and highly customizable Android home screen replacement app could redefine your Android device.
Big Milestone: Debut of Real 3D Launcher Scene
Forget about everything tiling on the flat like dead fish. Forget about the icon showing like a piece of paper. Forget about the dock standing in line like dumb wood. Forget the traditional launcher and embrace REAL 3D Launcher!
Extend imagination, extend capabilities!
Join millions of users for unique and splendid operation experience and visual enjoyment!
Most popular premium launcher Next Launcher 3D shows you how 3D dynamic effects and highly customizable Android home screen replacement app could redefine your Android device.
Big Milestone: Debut of Real 3D Launcher Scene
Forget about everything tiling on the flat like dead fish. Forget about the icon showing like a piece of paper. Forget about the dock standing in line like dumb wood. Forget the traditional launcher and embrace REAL 3D Launcher!
Extend imagination, extend capabilities!
Join millions of users for unique and splendid operation experience and visual enjoyment!
- 1. Various operation for icons: icons support rotation, reset, select, align and so on. Operation is easy and fantastic.
- 2 .Unlimited screen layout: placing icons or widgets randomly which forms your own home screen.
- 3. Stereoscopic screen preview: lots of screen display effects, dazzling animation of screen switching about adding or deleting screen.
- 4. Quick screen management: adding different kinds of elements in screen edit including application icons, folders and widgets. It’ll support changing wallpapers and themes soon.
- 5. Rotatable dock: inverting upward or downward the Dock can quickly switch among home screen, screen edit and screen preview.
- 6. Powerful app drawer: icons can be arranged by names or by time, and folders can be created by overlaying icons. Batch mode and operation of adding apps to screen are also available.
- 7. Beautiful scrolling effects: a variety of app drawer scrolling effects that provide a distinctive screen switching experience.
- 8. Fancy 3D widgets: 3D widgets that are based on Next Launcher are coming soon!
- Tips:
- 1.Please make sure your device has installed Google Play.
- 2.Phone performance:Android 2.3.3 and up; Dual-core models is better.
- 3. Suggestion:Watch the video of Next Launcher first, to know about the cool operation of the product.
What's New
1.(3D) Support hide apps in app drawer
2.(3D) Supoort change the size of icon label on homescreen (Click Menu->Preference->Screen settings)
3.(New) Transparent status bar (Support only some of Samsung and Sony devices. Click Menu->Pregerences->Screen settings)
4.(New) More Next shortcuts
Next Launcher 3D v2.03.1
Requires Android: 2.2 and up
Size : 10MB
Download GOOGle : Here
Instructions : Instal apk and play
Requires Android: 2.2 and up
Size : 10MB
Download GOOGle : Here
Instructions : Instal apk and play

Download Next Launcher 3D v2.03.1 Android
Network Signal Info Pro v2.10.05 Android Apps

Apps Review :
The Pro version (compared to the free version) has no ads, more widgets and a in the background running log function.
Now with widgets: 1×1, 2×1 and 2×2 in 3 different styles.
(If you can’t find widgets, please copy the app to phone memory)
I have especially worked on the visualization of the WiFi and mobile signal strength. They have received special importance. Normally they are only divided into weak, good and excellent signals. Graphically there are mostly “only” three to five bars shown as a mobile signal and three “waves” shown as a WiFi connection.
My app differentiates the signal strength into a total of 14 bars. This will give you a quick visualized and detailed information on your signal strength.
In addition to the more sophisticated graphical representation of the signal strength you will also be able to see some more interesting information.
Furthermore, there is a log function in csv-file format for wireless and mobile signal strength available (for e.g. Excel import).
With “Mobile Signal”:
Network operators, sim provider, phone type, network type, network strength in dbm and ASU, data state, data activity, country code of the mobile phone, device ID, IP address (internal und external), roaming state.
In “WiFi signal”:
WiFi-Name (SSID), BSSID, MAC address, maximum WiFi speed, IP address, external IP address, net capability, net channel, subnet mask, Gateway IP address, DHCP server address, DNS1 and DNS2 address.
What’s New
Version 2.15.05:
- urgent bug fixes (out of memory error, ui problems …)
Size: 3MB
Required android: 2.1 and up
Playstore Link : Here
- Download all files below
- Extract Zip
- Install apk

Download Network Signal Info Pro v2.10.05 Android
Root Explorer v3.1.2 Android Apps

Apps Review :
Features include SQLite database viewer, Text Editor, create and extract zip or tar/gzip files, extract rar archives, multi-select, execute scripts, search, remount, permissions, bookmarks, send files (via email, bluetooth etc), image thumbnails, APK binary XML viewer, change file owner/group, create symbolic link, "Open With" facility, MD5.
We will always try to help with any problem you may have with the app. If we can't help then you can have a refund, no questions asked.
Although 11,000+ five star ratings will tell you that most people are very satisfied customers. Make sure you read as many comments as possible to get a good idea of what most people think of the app.
We still respect the old 24 hour refund policy. So if you're not happy with the app just email us within 24 hours and you can have a refund. We'll need to know the order number, which you can find on the emails sent to you by Google when you downloaded.
Why compromise? Get the original and the best!
What's in this version :
- New themes (available in preferences). Light, light with dark action bar and home wallpaper (including live wallpaper). Apologies to Gingerbread users, but the themes are only available in Android 4.0+ because they make use of Android's built-in Holo themes.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes.
Root Explorer v3.1.2
Requires Android: 3.0 and up
Size : 2MB
Download GOOGle : Here
Instructions : Instal apk and play

Download Root Explorer v3.1.2 Android
Photo Studio PRO v0.9.18.2 Android Apps

Apps Review :
Photo Studio for Android® is utilized by both amateur and professional photographers who seek simple, but powerful image processing on-the-go. Users can turn their devices into a fantastic photo editing studio.
- Base photo operations: brightness, contrast, RGB color adjustment, hue, saturation;
- 115+ unique filters in categories: 'Lomo', 'Vintage', 'Simple tone', 'Old Style', 'Summer mood' and 'Art'.
- 12 amazing effects: shadow, fabric, akvarel, rust, frame, scratch, light, fire, water, heart, brush and noise.
- Magic Tools for photo correction: Auto-Levels, Sharpening and Red-Eyes correction.
- PicFrames helps you combine multiple photos into amazing looking frames with 60+ templates.
- Color Splash editor: create stunning artwork with your photos by removing or changing colors.
- Base transform operations: resize, rotate and crop.
- Apply several operations to one photo: you can edit a photo and apply all features and effects to one photo at the same time.
- Save the result in two formats: Small and Normal.
- Hot fixes for LG Optimus L9
- Text editor: add text labels to your photos with customizing font color and style.
- New templates are added to Picframes editor.
- Set photo as background in free-form collage editor.
- Split & merge commands are added to Picframes in PRO version
Photo Studio PRO v0.9.18.2

Download Photo Studio PRO v0.9.18.2 Android
Touch Control 1.8.2 Android Apps

Apps Review :
Touch Control v1.8.2 Apk is a kernel module for some Nexus devices that allows us to wake phone (just like power button) by a swipe gesture on the screen. So it’s slide2wake or slide2unlock. It also allows locking and so on.
This might work on these devices:
galaxy nexus
nexus 4
Please note that this is beta and might not work on all custom kernels. to update please do this:
uninstall completely the app
reboot device
install a new version
What’s New
added options to use new server – more devices will be added in near future
Touch Control 1.8.2
Requires Android: 2.2 and up
Size : 8MB
Download GOOGle : Here
Instructions : Instal apk and play
Requires Android: 2.2 and up
Size : 8MB
Download GOOGle : Here
Instructions : Instal apk and play

Download Touch Control 1.8.2 Android
Jelly Bean 4.3 Parallax LWP v1.0.2 Android Apps

Apps Review :
Lone hiPPo is proud to present a brand new LWP that combines the Parallax Depth effect found in iOS7, with Google's latest Jelly Bean 4.3 Nexus Wallpaper. This awesome combination brings floating objects to life as you tilt your device
3D Jelly Bean 4.3 Parallax LWP for Android brings the best of both worlds to your Android phone or tablet with a host of configurable options. The result is an amazingly immersive experience that you can show off on your handsome device.
3D Jelly Bean 4.3 Parallax LWP is not a standalone app, but is a Live Wallpaper for your Android home screen. This LWP literally takes immersive experience to the next level with easy-to-use and understand customizations. The customizations themselves are pretty nifty and pack a punch in making the experience incredibly realistic in low and high end phones alike. A lot of care has been taken to ensure that battery isn't eaten up and our LWP makes sure that there is no unnecessary leak or performance glitches.
- Floating objects that replicate the Nexus feel
- Realistic iOS 7 like immersive parallax experience
- Ability to configure speed and volume of floating objects
- Ability to adjust and configure the parallax tilt effect
- Save battery by reducing switching to low performance mode
- Enhance performance by switching to low image buffer mode
What's in this version :
Fixed forced install-to-SD issue (now default will be Internal Storage with option of moving)
Jelly Bean 4.3 Parallax LWP v1.0.2
Requires Android: 2.1 and up
Size : 2MB
Download GOOGle : Here
Instructions : Instal apk and play
Download Jelly Bean 4.3 Parallax LWP v1.0.2 Android
ZPlayer v3.92 Android Apps

Apps Review :
Welcome to ZPlayer a Windows Phone 7 / Zune themed player, a better richer and more interactive media player.
Get album reviews, artist biographies, top tracks, playlists, related artists and podcasts (audio/video) all in one application.
+ Swiping the homescreen to the left/right shows the 'current playing' song and listening history.
+ To jump to the 'now playing' screen, use the volume controls to reveal the music controls, and then tap on the song name(in bold) or the artist name.
Now with more widgets, fast forward and rewind controls, headset controls home screen customization, equalizer, audio effects. You can start with your own media, and learn about other artists, other tracks and what other people are listening too. Pair this media player with a last fm account and submit likes, now playing status, and scrobble tracks.
The Application uses android framework Audio Effect API, this API was introduced since android 2.3. Therefore only devices that have at least Android version 2.3 will be able to take advantage of this feature.
if you use a third party equalizer that controls the output mix for all media playing on the device, disable it before using this application. This application needs to control its own audio effects.
* audio effects implemented include Equalizer, Bassboost and Virtualizer based on Android 2.3
What's in this version :
- Many performance improvements
- Added Finnish language
- Many bug fixes
- Enhanced album art Editor
ZPlayer v3.92
Download ZPlayer v3.92 Android
CoPilot Live Premium Europe v9.4.0.308 Android Apps

Apps Review :
Designed for drivers. CoPilot Premium is the essential voice-guided GPS navigation app for Android. It’s compatible with over 280 droids including the Samsung Galaxy S4, Note 1 & 2, HTC One and Google Nexus 7!
With quality offline maps and clear turn by turn directions in your own language you can navigate safely and easily without data roaming throughout Europe. Your Droid IS your CoPilot.
“A real threat to stand-alone devices” Which? Best Buy
“The best blend of features, performance and cost” – Engadget
“CoPilot is the best all-rounder, with a winning combination of excellent navigation and innovative features. It beats Google Maps into second place” Android Magazine Test Winner 2013
✔ Offline navigation: Maps of over 40 European countries stored onboard your smartphone or tablet so you can navigate abroad without data roaming (select and download maps via WiFi after purchase)
✔ #1 paid GPS navigation app in over 25 countries
✔ Navigate to a full UK post code, house number or address book contact
✔ High quality NAVTEQ maps as used by the best in-dash systems
✔ Turn-by-turn voice guidance with text-to-speech technology
✔ Lifetime use: pay once, get CoPilot navigation for life
✔ Includes 12 months free ActiveTraffic™*
✔ Speed camera alerts with FREE updates (not available in France or Switzerland)
✔ Speed limit indicator and warnings
✔ Unique directions-only driver safety view
✔ Automatic day-night modes
✔ RV routes for caravans and larger vehicles
✔ Find the fastest route based on live traffic flow
✔ Automatically finds a new route if there’s a delay
✔ Colour-coded live traffic map and status bar
✔ Runs on over 250 Android devices
✔ Supports all popular smartphone and tablet screens
✔ Navigate to a destination from an email
✔ Minimize using back button
✔ Background navigation^
✔ Offline points of interest: car parks, petrol stations, car hire and more
✔ Online search with Google™ and Wikipedia*
✔ 5 day local weather forecast*
✔ Parking wizard: never lose your car again!
✔ Western and Eastern Europe (including UK): AL, AD, AT, BY, BE, BA, BG, HR, CH, CZ, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, DE, GI, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LV, LI, LT, LU, MK, MD, MC, ME, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RU, SM, RS, SK, SI, SE, TR, UA, VA
3D and 2D maps – fastest/shortest routes – ETA and distance – instant detour – personal routing options – avoid ferries and tolls – congestion charge alerts – Twitter and Facebook status updates and more!
What’s New
With quality offline maps and clear turn by turn directions in your own language you can navigate safely and easily without data roaming throughout Europe. Your Droid IS your CoPilot.
“A real threat to stand-alone devices” Which? Best Buy
“The best blend of features, performance and cost” – Engadget
“CoPilot is the best all-rounder, with a winning combination of excellent navigation and innovative features. It beats Google Maps into second place” Android Magazine Test Winner 2013
✔ Offline navigation: Maps of over 40 European countries stored onboard your smartphone or tablet so you can navigate abroad without data roaming (select and download maps via WiFi after purchase)
✔ #1 paid GPS navigation app in over 25 countries
✔ Navigate to a full UK post code, house number or address book contact
✔ High quality NAVTEQ maps as used by the best in-dash systems
✔ Turn-by-turn voice guidance with text-to-speech technology
✔ Lifetime use: pay once, get CoPilot navigation for life
✔ Includes 12 months free ActiveTraffic™*
✔ Speed camera alerts with FREE updates (not available in France or Switzerland)
✔ Speed limit indicator and warnings
✔ Unique directions-only driver safety view
✔ Automatic day-night modes
✔ RV routes for caravans and larger vehicles
✔ Find the fastest route based on live traffic flow
✔ Automatically finds a new route if there’s a delay
✔ Colour-coded live traffic map and status bar
✔ Runs on over 250 Android devices
✔ Supports all popular smartphone and tablet screens
✔ Navigate to a destination from an email
✔ Minimize using back button
✔ Background navigation^
✔ Offline points of interest: car parks, petrol stations, car hire and more
✔ Online search with Google™ and Wikipedia*
✔ 5 day local weather forecast*
✔ Parking wizard: never lose your car again!
✔ Western and Eastern Europe (including UK): AL, AD, AT, BY, BE, BA, BG, HR, CH, CZ, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, DE, GI, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LV, LI, LT, LU, MK, MD, MC, ME, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RU, SM, RS, SK, SI, SE, TR, UA, VA
3D and 2D maps – fastest/shortest routes – ETA and distance – instant detour – personal routing options – avoid ferries and tolls – congestion charge alerts – Twitter and Facebook status updates and more!
What’s New
• We’ve fixed the Xperia Z and Android 4.2 issue that some customers have reported
• New automatic updates added to our Themes so you’ll always have the latest and greatest version
• Minor bug fixes reported by users
CoPilot Live Premium Europe v9.4.0.308
Download CoPilot Live Premium Europe v9.4.0.308 APK
X-plore File Manager Donate v3.37.01 Android Apps

Apps Review :
* Dual-pane tree view
* Root, FTP, SMB, Sqlite, Picasa, Zip, Rar explorer
* Cloud storage access: Google Drive™, Dropbox, SugarSync, Box.net, SkyDrive, Webdav, Yandex.disk, Dump Truck
* Favorite folders
* Built-in viewers for images, video, audio, text
* Hex viewer
* Fast Image viewer with zoom and slide to previous/next images in folder
* Thumbnails for images and video as well as for various file types (depending on associated application)
* Multi-selection - always available, yet not disturbing
* View APK files as ZIP
* Share - send files by Bluetooth, email, or whatever the device supports, from any location
* Configurable buttons and key shortcuts
* Seamless work with Zip (as if it was normal folder)
X-plore allows you to see inside of your Android phone or tablet.
This is a dual-pane explorer, which means that there're two folders shown at same time, and common operation such as copying files are done from one pane to another.
And X-plore shows folder hierarchy in a tree view. This offers clear orientation on where in file system you currently are, and fast switching to other location.
Currently selected folder and files are highlighted, while other folders/files have slightly darker background.
You may explore internals of the device, and if you're power user and have your device rooted, you can make changes to system data - backup files, remove unwanted applications, etc.
If you're standard user, you may choose to hide internal memory from view and be sure not to mess with system.
You can comfortably see contents of your external memories, either be it built-in high capacity memory, external memory card, or possibly USB memory stick attached to your tablet. All these memory types are listed in main level, you don't need to search for their folders on the device.
Access to FTP and FTPS (secure FTP) servers is supported.
Multiple servers may be configured. All standard file operations can be done on FTP server.
X-plore can display shared folders on other computers in LAN (local area network).
The system allows access to shared folders on computers connected to LAN, or even remote server if it supports SMB protocol.
X-plore can access various web storage "Cloud" servers, and access their files.
You need to have account in supported web service, then you can access your files stored online through X-plore.
Main operations are related to managing files and folders - viewing, copying, moving, deleting,compressing to Zip, extracting, renaming, sharing, and more.
Picasa albums
X-plore can list images in Picasa albums, download them, create albums, upload and delete photos, edit captions.
SQLite database viewer
X-plore can show SQLite database files (those with .db extension) as expandable list of tables, each table containing list of rows and columns with database entries.
Main interaction is done by touch screen, clicking on folders or files to open files, or long-click to open context menu which contains options which can be done on particular clicked item, or multiple selected items.
Multi-selection allows to do operation on more files at once. Files can be selected by clicking check box. It is also possible to select all files in a folder, or clear selection, by clicking parent folder's check box.
Opening file may mean to use one of built-in viewer for most popular file types: images, audio, video and text.
Or you may configure X-plore to use system application for opening files, in which case system-predefined application that can open particular file is launched.
Archives (currently supported are Zip and Rar) are displayed as other folders. You may open them, see contents, and do standard operations that you'd do on files - rename, delete, copy from/to, etc.
Additional interaction is possible by button bar, which is between two panes, and is fully configurable. You may put buttons of your desired operations here, and change ordering.
Recent changes:
* Dual-pane tree view
* Root, FTP, SMB, Sqlite, Picasa, Zip, Rar explorer
* Cloud storage access: Google Drive™, Dropbox, SugarSync, Box.net, SkyDrive, Webdav, Yandex.disk, Dump Truck
* Favorite folders
* Built-in viewers for images, video, audio, text
* Hex viewer
* Fast Image viewer with zoom and slide to previous/next images in folder
* Thumbnails for images and video as well as for various file types (depending on associated application)
* Multi-selection - always available, yet not disturbing
* View APK files as ZIP
* Share - send files by Bluetooth, email, or whatever the device supports, from any location
* Configurable buttons and key shortcuts
* Seamless work with Zip (as if it was normal folder)
X-plore allows you to see inside of your Android phone or tablet.
This is a dual-pane explorer, which means that there're two folders shown at same time, and common operation such as copying files are done from one pane to another.
And X-plore shows folder hierarchy in a tree view. This offers clear orientation on where in file system you currently are, and fast switching to other location.
Currently selected folder and files are highlighted, while other folders/files have slightly darker background.
You may explore internals of the device, and if you're power user and have your device rooted, you can make changes to system data - backup files, remove unwanted applications, etc.
If you're standard user, you may choose to hide internal memory from view and be sure not to mess with system.
You can comfortably see contents of your external memories, either be it built-in high capacity memory, external memory card, or possibly USB memory stick attached to your tablet. All these memory types are listed in main level, you don't need to search for their folders on the device.
Access to FTP and FTPS (secure FTP) servers is supported.
Multiple servers may be configured. All standard file operations can be done on FTP server.
X-plore can display shared folders on other computers in LAN (local area network).
The system allows access to shared folders on computers connected to LAN, or even remote server if it supports SMB protocol.
X-plore can access various web storage "Cloud" servers, and access their files.
You need to have account in supported web service, then you can access your files stored online through X-plore.
Main operations are related to managing files and folders - viewing, copying, moving, deleting,compressing to Zip, extracting, renaming, sharing, and more.
Picasa albums
X-plore can list images in Picasa albums, download them, create albums, upload and delete photos, edit captions.
SQLite database viewer
X-plore can show SQLite database files (those with .db extension) as expandable list of tables, each table containing list of rows and columns with database entries.
Main interaction is done by touch screen, clicking on folders or files to open files, or long-click to open context menu which contains options which can be done on particular clicked item, or multiple selected items.
Multi-selection allows to do operation on more files at once. Files can be selected by clicking check box. It is also possible to select all files in a folder, or clear selection, by clicking parent folder's check box.
Opening file may mean to use one of built-in viewer for most popular file types: images, audio, video and text.
Or you may configure X-plore to use system application for opening files, in which case system-predefined application that can open particular file is launched.
Archives (currently supported are Zip and Rar) are displayed as other folders. You may open them, see contents, and do standard operations that you'd do on files - rename, delete, copy from/to, etc.
Additional interaction is possible by button bar, which is between two panes, and is fully configurable. You may put buttons of your desired operations here, and change ordering.
Recent changes:
✔ Showing copy transfer speed
✔ Multi-select by click + long-click on file checkmark
✔ Showing image Exif data
✔ 7zip format (beta)
X-plore File Manager Donate v3.37.01
Requires Android: 2.1 and up
Size : 3MB
Size : 3MB
Click Image to GOOGlePlay :
Instructions :
Instal apk and play
Download X-plore File Manager Donate
Soccer Scores Pro - FotMob v12 Android Apps

Apps Review :
Now with audio commentaries in more than 12 languages!
* Livescores with alerts (aiming to be the fastest livescores on the market)
* Match stats (lineup, stats, goals, cards and substitutions)
* Tables
* Fixtures
* News (league news and club news)
* Topscorers
* Favorite teams
Coverage of:
* Premier League
* Championship
* League 1 & 2
* Bundesliga
* 2. & 3. Bundesliga
* Serie A
* Serie B
* La Liga
* MLS (Major League Soccer)
* Europa League
* Champions League
* Euro 2012
* Ligue 1
* Mexican league
* Scottish Premier League
* Allsvenskan
* Superettan
* Tippeligaen
* Adeccoligaen
* Eredivisie
* and most other football/soccer leagues. Missing one? Ask us!
No affiliation with BBC, Sky Sports or ESPN.
Club news for clubs like Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal, Barcelona, Inter, Liverpool and others.
What's New :
After 3 years and a lot of requests, we finally added a live score widget (Android 4.x only)! Please test it and let us know of any problems.
We added also a setting to enable a fix timezone issues, Can you please enable this and let us know if there are any issues?
Also unfortunately due to a legal complaint from the Premier League legal department we had to remove the audio commentaries from all Premier League matches. We are very sorry about this! We may get them back someday.
Soccer Scores Pro - FotMob v12
Download Soccer Scores Pro - FotMob
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